Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Basic Tank assembly

Basic tank assembly

Step One:

Assemble tank by placing it on stand, on foam/cardboard/newspaper base (prevents cracks) and check that the tank is stable, If available, check top of tank with a spirit level to make sure it is even (this can also be done at the next step by simply measuring the water height at each corner), adjust height if it is uneaven with cork board, rubber feet or solid wood pieces for a very large tank.


Step two:

If you have very large rocks VERY CAREFULLY add them at this stage, these can also be placed on special non-toxic foam to prevent cracking. This is done so that the rocks do not slip through the gravel at a later date and crush burrowing fish or crack the tank. At this stage also add any Undergravel filters or under gravel landscaping terraces.

Carefully and fully wash your gravel to rinse out any organic debris, dirt and dust. You will need approx 25kg (55 lb) to 50 kg (100 lb)
Gravel for a 60 gal tank. Once this is done carefully add it to your tank sloping from 1inch to the front to approx 3 inches deep at the back. This allows detritus to collect at the front of the tank for easy removal.

Fill the tank up to 1/3 or 1/2 with conditioned water


Step Three:

Add ornaments and small rocks to get desired effect. remember that large ornaments will look more 'natural' if they are off centre than if they occupy the middle of the tank. Build up gravel slightly around ornaments to make sure there are no spaces in which food, or even fish may get trapped. Now position plants, making sure they are buried deeply in the gravel, small plants to the front, larger ones to the back. After everything has been placed begin to add internal filters, Thermomaters, Heaters and other equiptment. Carefully pour water down the sides of the tank or onto an object such as a plate or piece of foam to avoid disturbing your carefully set up tank.

Dont be to disheartened if the water is a little murky, it usually settles down within a few days. Now check that all your equiptment is working fine.


Step Four:

Allow the tank to settle for at least 4 days before adding fish or chemicals to start Cycling your tank. Then only begin with VERY FEW fish, one or two at the most and very gradually add to your tank as it cycles and stabilises.


Go to this thread for info on starting to cycle your tank and add fish: http://www.guppies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9989

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